- Google API - |
- Google API - 2004 Stefan Kirste, Mark Buchholz, Peter Schröder Beschreibung *Link: GoogleAPI |
- Yamaha ProSieben - |
- Yamaha ProSieben - 2003 Stefan Kirste Beschreibung *Download: yamaha.wmv |
- No Angels - Feel good lies - |
- No Angels - Feel good lies - 2003 Stefan Kirste Beschreibung *Download: noangels.wmv |
- Schiller feat. Mila Mar - |
- Schiller feat. Mila Mar - 2003 Stefan Kirste Marcus Sternberg Filmproduktion... *Download: schiller.wmv |
- Sonic Maze - |
- Sonic Maze - 2003 Christian Engler, Andreas Kirste A narrative composition was laid out as an invisible path within an empty space. The user's task was trying to find the path, relying only on sound. The linear path was split into segments and did not cross itself. At each transition between the segments, a virtual trigger caused the sound to progress into a new mode. The interface was realised by employing motion-tracking and customized software. The aquired position data was instantly interpreted as sound balance alterations, giving the user some clue where he is in relation to the sound path. When the user was standing right on the path the sound was perfectly balanced. Once the user started to drift away from the path, the sound simultaneously started to shift its balance into the opposite direction. Furthermore this balance alteration was combined with volume changes related to the distance, emulating crude spatial positioning of the path. *Link: |
- Dice'N'Shoot - |
- Dice'N'Shoot - 2003 Andreas Kirste Entwicklung eines Computerspiels als Semesterarbeit im Fach Multimediaproduktion. *Downlad: (75MB) - offline - Bei Interesse Mail an: |
- Inserts für Freibeuter-TV - |
- Inserts für Freibeuter-TV - 2002 Christian Engler, Stefan Kirste Als Sequenzen zwischen den einzelnen Themen der Sendung wurden diese kurzen Filme für und mit der Freibeuter-TV - Produktion erstellt. *Download: sonne.wmv *Download: sand.wmv *Download: wasser.wmv |
- blinkenlights fake - |
- blinkenlights fake - 2002 Stefan Kirste Beschreibung *Download: blinken.wmv |
- broadcast design - |
- broadcast design - 2002 Stefan Kirste Beschreibung *Download: lowtech.wmv *Download: painstation.wmv *Download: roller.wmv |
- Blockout Game - |
- Blockout Game - 2002 Andreas Kirste Ein Breakout-Clone erstellt mit Macromedia Director. *Play online: blockout_online.htm (Shockwave erforderlich) *Download: |